Makeup & Skincare Tips

The Things to Avoid When You Have Done Botox

The Things to Avoid When You Have Done Botox

For a long time, the question of preserving beauty has worried more than one woman. Proper nutrition, sports, various masks and peels – all this allows you to maintain fading skin in tone, but is not able to deal with high-quality emerging wrinkles. The most desperate are ready to go under the surgeon’s knife to restore the former youth and beauty, but modern medicine offers women an alternative, albeit temporary, but guaranteeing a good result method – Botox injections.

Botox is a purified botulinum toxin, essentially a poison, but in cosmetology it is in great demand, because getting into the muscles of the face, able to make them not susceptible to nerve impulses, thereby smoothing facial wrinkles. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and compliance with the rules, after the Botox procedure, the effect can last up to 6 months.

What not to do before Botox

In view of the features of the drug, you need to prepare for Botox. This will allow you to avoid after botox unpleasant consequences, as well as to achieve maximum effect.

Light exercise is permissible. It is recommended that you apply ice before botox for the face in order to avoid bruises and swelling.

botox injections

Categorically you cannot do before botox:

  • Drink antibiotics and other drugs that may interfere with the action of botoluxin;
  • Alcoholic beverages are not recommended, but not prohibited (details on alcohol and botox are written here );
  • Load the body with physical exercises, household chores, as well as massage, if it will increase the blood supply to the face;
  • To avoid edema, it is advisable to refrain from salty foods and reduce the amount of water consumed;
  • Do chemical and mechanical peels, plastic surgery.

Recommendations after botox

The Botox procedure is quite expensive, but waiting and getting the proper effect is more expensive. There are a number of things not to do after botox injections that cannot be done after Botox injections, which we will look at next. Compliance with the rules guarantees you a good result from the procedure, besides without any unpleasant consequences for health.

How much cannot go to bed after Botox

Beauticians always warn – you cannot go to bed after Botox for 3-6 hours. This is due to the fact that a substance that is intended to temporarily paralyze the necessary mimic muscles can penetrate into the adjacent ones, thereby “freezing” them. Improper load on the muscles of the face will lead to a violation of facial expressions and distort features that will look unnatural and ugly. In addition, you cannot just tilt your head, you need to keep it straight at the recommended time.

How much cannot sunbathe after Botox

Ultraviolet does not interact very well with Botox, so it is advisable not to schedule these procedures for the summer period or working out after botox. The result of tanning is impossible to guess: the simplest thing that can wait for you is the formation of pigment spots, besides this, under the influence of ultraviolet, botulinum toxin substances can disappear altogether, reducing the effect of the procedure to nothing.